SAPU Allmøte/General meeting

(eng beneath)

Velkommen til SAPU sitt allmøte den 25. August kl. 16:00 i auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts!! Her finner du innkallingen med sakslisten til møtet. Håper å se deg der! 🙂 Alle antropologi studenter er velkomne, både bachelor og master (selv om du kun tar ett fag fra programmet 😉 ).

Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt skulle det være noen spørsmål angående allmøtet eller generelt SAPU.

Welcome to SAPU’s general meeting 25th of August at 16:00 in auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts!! Here you have the notice of meeting together with the agenda. Hope to see you there! 🙂 All anthropology students are welcome, both bachelors and masters (also if you only participate in one course 😉 ).

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the general meeting or generally about SAPU.

General meeting (or allmøte) is a meeting SAPU conduct once a semester where all the social anthropology students are invited to partake. The primary purpose of the meeting is to let our fellow students know the condition of SAPU, but also to elect the new board members. All the students have a vote and are encouraged to bring up cases they want the board to champion for them.