The Ethnographic Route: From Economy to Politics

Anthrobreakfast with Theo Rakopoulus For the fourth segment of Anthrobreakfast SAPU presents Theo Rakopoulus as guest speaker! Theo Rakopoulos is an associate professor at SAI. His work explores themes in economic and political anthropology, including community boundaries, their transgression, and the grey zones they create.  In this Anthrobreakfast, Theo will talk about ethnographic journey throughFortsett å lese «The Ethnographic Route: From Economy to Politics»

The Potential of Artistic Approaches in Ethnographic Research

Anthrobreakfast with Cecilia Salinas We are excited for you to meet our guest, as we have the pleasure to have Cecilia Salinas as speaker! Cecilia Salinas is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology and has an education and training in visual arts. Her research expertise is broad and cover topics of natureFortsett å lese «The Potential of Artistic Approaches in Ethnographic Research»

Anthrobreakfast with Jon Rasmus Nyquist!

We have the pleasure to host the second Anthrobreakfast with guest lecturer Jon Rasmus Nyquist. In this Anthrobreakfast, he will talk about his fieldwork with fire fighters and fire managers in Australia and research on what climate change and the Anthropocene feels like. Come along if you’re interested in questions like: How does climate change make people feel? HowFortsett å lese «Anthrobreakfast with Jon Rasmus Nyquist!»

Fieldwork in unconventional places

Welcome to the very first Anthrobreakfast this spring semester! We will kick off the first Anthrobreakfast with guest lecturer Hege Høyer Leivestad. Hege is an associate professor at the Department of Social Anthropology, and her research deals with mobility, materiality and the global circulation of commodities. In this Anthrobreakfast, Hege Høyer Leivestad will take usFortsett å lese «Fieldwork in unconventional places»

SAI inviterer til en uke med spennende aktiviteter

Hva er SAI-UKA? Sosialantropologisk institutt (SAI) inviterer alle bachelorstudenter i sosialantropologi til SAI-UKA. Det blir en uke full av spennende aktiviteter, kurs og interessante innlegg. Der du blant annet vil få sjansen til å møte tidligere studenter som deler sine egne erfaringer fra arbeidslivet. Samtidig er det lagt opp flere kurs der du vil fåFortsett å lese «SAI inviterer til en uke med spennende aktiviteter»